That's what I'm talking about, big asses and juicy bodies! For a man with a big machine, that's what they're all about! A nigger, of course, is a powerful man, but it's just impossible to process such chicks alone! I could hardly handle one of them, she fucked me to death!
Spieli-Vili| 43 days ago
That's some buns! And they're all natural! It's a pleasure to rub his dick between them! When a man met a nigger on the beach, he was freaking out. To be a lover of a bitch like that for an hour is a pleasure. They say man cum makes chicks grow breasts. How many parties has she been to?
That's what I'm talking about, big asses and juicy bodies! For a man with a big machine, that's what they're all about! A nigger, of course, is a powerful man, but it's just impossible to process such chicks alone! I could hardly handle one of them, she fucked me to death!
That's some buns! And they're all natural! It's a pleasure to rub his dick between them! When a man met a nigger on the beach, he was freaking out. To be a lover of a bitch like that for an hour is a pleasure. They say man cum makes chicks grow breasts. How many parties has she been to?
Cool girls, make up your minds. Let's have sex.